Sunday, July 20, 2008

catching up

Can it really be nearly a month since I posted? Needless to say, I've been busy.

Here are some updates:

- Dean was released from the rehab hospital on Friday and is at home. He still has a long way to go, but he's also come a LONG way already. His attitude is wonderful! Everyone who visits comments on how positive he has remained through all the challenges. We've had two "work days" (really "work evenings") over there to get things ready for him. The first one was focused on things that had to be done to accomodate him coming home - repairing the brick walkway (taking up a whole section & re-laying it), pouring a concrete pad by the front gate, making and installing a rail up the inside stairs, putting bars & other things in the bathroom, etc. - the second one centered on getting the yard in shape. We have someone mowing for them, but there's all the weeding & trimming that has to be done as well.

- My friend's brother finally got tired of his battle for life. He made the comment about being tired of fighting to his sister and a friend one evening - and slipped away before the following morning. His funeral was this past Tuesday.

- My house on Stoneborough Court still has not sold. Today is the last day of the 6-month contract I had signed with the realtor I was using. She has decided to close her real estate business down the end of the month, so it made the conversation about choosing to list with someone else easier. The new listing should be posted tomorrow. Their average time on market is 34 days. This is one time I am hoping to be "less than average"! I've spent time & money sprucing the yard up. Okay, really, mostly "maintenance." I went and got the weeding back under control. I paid to have the 6' high juniper hedges trimmed and the same gal took care of limbing the trees that needed it as well. (Some were hitting on the roof.) Last weekend, I finally took the time to plant some annuals in the bare beds. (Is it spring yet?)

- I'm still working on the unpacking & settling in. Got one project done this weekend & a start on the next piece of it. Three more large boxes out of the way in one of the storage areas. :-)

And ... I'm ready for a (true) vacation!
(No, I don't have anything planned.)