Saturday, November 14, 2009

Time to Take Action

I went to hear Vickie Tiahrt this morning.

(For those from other areas who may not know, Vickie is the wife of our U.S. Representative, Todd Tiahrt, who is stepping down from his Rep seat to run for U.S. Senate next year.)

What Vickie shared of what Todd & she believe need to be done is SO in line with my views. We have GOT to keep him in Washington to keep standing for the right ideals, even when in such an uphill battle, until we can turn the tide of the battle and win our country (and our liberty!) back.

Please continue to pray for our nation.

But also put some "works" with your "faith" (so that your faith is not dead!) and get involved with the candidate(s) or campaign(s) of your choice to help put men and women with Godly, liberty-minded values in office.