Friday, April 4, 2008

making progress

With most of a day at home today, I made some visibile progress on unpacking. I unloaded the 27 boxes of books that have been stacked in my back hallway! Along with having finally unpacked some of the decorative items for the living room last weekend, it's starting to feel more "homey" here. :-) Still plenty to do, but it's taking shape.

I am getting a sidewalk poured on Monday. They dug it out today. It will go from my driveway to the walkway that runs from the street to the front door. I am surprised that more people have not done that. Four of us here got a bit of a "package deal" from a business to have them all done at the same time. That's the reason I am going ahead with it now. Other "improvements" will wait for the house on Stoneborough to sell.

The implication is that I am beginning to get to know some of my neighbors. Of course, I know the gal who lives beside me to the south. She was the one who told me about the house being available. Since she was on the "nominating committee" for the home owners association, I am "running" for secretary. :-) Elections are next Monday night (4/14) at the annual meeting. The current president called me yesterday to see if I could go ahead and take minutes at this meeting since the current secretary is having health issues and not able to serve. I decided to get involved just to meet some of the folks. Of course, I am one of the "young" ones here. (It's been quite a while since THAT'S been the case for me anywhere!)

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