Saturday, May 31, 2008

and pours and pours ...

I keep looking for that GOOD news!

Since my last post:
  • Dean had a second, massive stroke the same night the doctors had sent him home from the hospital. At this point, he is still in Neurological Critical Care Unit (NCCU).
  • My friend's brother took a major dip and we did not expect him to make it through the day last Saturday. He was moved to the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) around 1am & I met his sister and parents at the hospital at 1:30am. He has finally started improving. However, we all know getting past the meningitis is just one step. He is HIV+ and his condition is not good. We know he does not have much longer.
  • I learned that my cousin's father-in-law passed away in early April. He was 91 and that had been expected for some time.
  • I just learned that one of my mother's favorite cousins passed away this week. She was 89. This too, was not unexpected.

I would much rather be looking for and purchasing birthday cards or other fun things instead of sympathy cards, floral arrangements for those who are ill or who have passed away, and donating money to a trust fund for college for the children left behind by the 47-year-old father who died earlier this month.

May 2008 has not been a good month. I will be glad to see it come to a close.

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